Saturday, January 19, 2008


Weary not my troubled lover.
Trepidations need not worry you.
The silent mind cleanses my soul.

If only I could see your pain.
The guise forever shining through.
Dog beaten souls enveloping your days.
Overflowing onto our harmonious union.
The spirit collapses, only for a moment.
Not to be beaten down by disdain.

To rise above and to be free from harms way.
Wisdom empowering the strength and courage.
I go forward with the guidance of angels.
Not knowing where tomorrow will bring me.
Living the present with the air that I breath.
Journeying further into this lifelong quest.

Your infinite knowledge and love embraces life.
Humility brings me closer to the truth.
Left to realize my destiny is with you.

Calendar Of The Soul - Week 41

Forty-first Week
January 13, 2008 - January 19, 2008

The soul's creative might
Strives outward from the heart's own core
To kindle and inflame god-given powers
In human life to right activity;
The soul thus shapes itself
In human loving and in human working.

English translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch

Der Seele Schaffensmacht,
Sie strebet aus dem Herzensgrunde,
Im Menschenleben Götterkräfte
Zu rechtem Wirken zu entflammen,
Sich selber zu gestalten
In Menschenliebe und im Menschenwerke.

The Year Participated translationby Owen Barfield

The soul's creative power
sent from the bottom of the heart aspires
the life of man with strength of gods to fire
for deeds -- for selves to grow into a mould
formed out of love for and things done for men.

(provided with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Press)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Calendar of the Soul - Week 40

Fortieth Week
January 6, 2008 - January 12, 2008

And when I live in spirit depths
And dwell within my soul's foundations,
There streams from love-worlds of the heart,
To fill the vain delusion of the self,
The fiery power of the cosmic Word.

English translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch

Und bin ich in den Geistestiefen,
Erfüllt in meinen Seelengründen
Aus Herzens Liebewelten
Der Eigenheiten leerer Wahn
Sich mit des Weltenwortes Feuerkraft.

The Year Participated translationby Owen Barfield

Once I am truly in the Spirit's deeps
straightway from out my soul's foundation --
from boundless love within the heart -- the fraud,
the hollow shell of private inclinations
fills with the might, the fire of the Word.

(provided with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Press)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Calender of the Soul - Week 39

Thirty-ninth Week
December 30, 2007 - January 5, 2008

Surrendering to spirit revelation
I gain the light of cosmic being;
The power of thinking, growing clearer,
Gains strength to give myself to me,
And quickening there frees itself
From thinker's energy my sense of self.

English translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch

An Geistesoffenbarung hingegeben
Gewinne ich des Weltenwesens Licht.
Gedankenkraft, sie wächst
Sich klärend mir mich selbst zu geben,
Und weckend löst sich mir
Aus Denkermacht das Selbstgefühl.

The Year Participated translationby Owen Barfield

Devoted whole to Spirit's revelation
I win as my reward
the Light that is the substance of the world;
Mind, grown more clear,
lets noe my Self appear;
hid in the might of Thought true Selfhood shakes
its sleeping wings and wakes.

(provided with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Press

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Who Will Help The Children?

Copyright - January 19, 2000

Who Will Help The Children?

They walk with gentle hearts
And souls abound with innocence,
The laughter of the children
Bring joy for all to relish.

But in the night, in the dark,
There lies a blank canvas,
Nothing is what it seems,
Soon to be seen a little garden.

Children reaching arduously for heaven,
Appearing to be trapped in purgatory,
Their youthful souls caught
Between the living and the dead.

Glorious days of their youth
Torn from their very existence,
Blackness now fills their hearts
Walking through life in restlessness.

Perpetrators stalk their dreams
With heartless acts of cruelty,
Tormenting their every thought,
Tomorrows consumed with blight.

Screams of anguish cry out,
In their outward acts of defiance,
Weighted down with responsibilities.
The world has missed you.